Race Apps

World Run Day applauds the many race apps that can be used to record your World Run Day event details. Choose one (or many) to share with your friends and with others in the running community. This is a sample input form. that we use for many of our events.

Time Submission


Track Time & Distance

Use your Garmin, iPhone, Strava, or any other tools available to you to track your distance and time. Enter the results on the form above.

Your Stats

Activity Monitor

Typically, you can record distance, time, etc. for posting to your favorite social media. We you encourage you to do so to help foster the objectives of World Run Day and make the event bigger and better for years to come.

Event Notifications

We will notify you of future World Run Day events and similar events that encourage you to run.

Connect With Other Racers

Use social media to display your selfie and event results.

View Race Results

We will post the results of the event on our website

Future Event Planning

We are planning to have individuals host a World Run Day event in their city. In addition, we will work with individuals to host a Run Day event in their city as well. These events can be any day of the 2025 calendar year for your favorite charity. These will follow a naming convention of “RUN DAY – CITY NAME. Contact us if you are interested  —- wherever you may live.

Location of RUN DAY Event

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RUN DAY Brochure

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Charity Themes

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Worksheets for Results

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Add your special features

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Race Results and Awards

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Get Started!

We are planning to design an app for 2025